Thursday, May 20, 2010
IMC 2010
Next up, Rebecca and Scott will be attending the Illustration Master Class in a couple weeks. So we will be focusing our next project here at Running with Paintbrushes around the IMC assignments. We will also be having a special guest joining us on the blog. Elisabeth Alba will be attending the IMC as well and partaking in the blog updates with her wonderful work. Stay tuned for thumbnails!
Scott's Flight Final (at last!)
Well here it is! after a crazy week and a half of packing and moving and unpacking (or in the middle of) I am finished. I apologize for a poor quality photo since all i have are the lights on my drafting table. I think I left my photo floods at the old apartment. But I will surely update with a new color-corrected, unfuzzy, non-washed out on the left side and too dark on the bottom version (also some burning has made the left kids face a bit weird). but for now, enjoy! and throw any comments at me if you feel compelled. now off to find my mouse pad and some turpenoid....
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Magic Feather
This is my final for the "Flight" assignment. My image is a little more children's book oriented, I liked the idea of a boy riding on a gold fish and that would really only work for a 4-5 yr old. I am really happy with how this came out. I really need to do more paintings like this, I think I get intimidated doing children's book type stuff, but it's a lot of fun. The seagulls make it for me in this piece.
The Magic Feather, 11" x 17", Oil on Paper on Masonite, 2010.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Becca's "Flight" Final
Well, I managed to get it done, despite being in the midst of moving to a new apartment, and not spending a single weekend at home! I had to take a photo of this instead of my usual scan, and the background turned out a bit lighter in this image than in person (and I don't have photoshop...yet!). I'll put up a better version when I get a chance. In the meantime, if anyone has any thoughts about this, lay 'em on me! I had fun with this one!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Scott's Flight
Well here's my final sketch for "Flight". I had lots of fun doing this piece, and since I enjoyed doing my witch drawing in charcoal so much I decided to give it another go with this one. I'm pretty sure I'll be cursing myself in two weeks for choosing to do this one larger than my usual. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to improve this one before going to paint. Thanks!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Becca's "Flight" Drawing
A day late, but you've gotta hand it to me, I was in the process of moving to a new apartment this week, and finally got my art space in working order. Excuses, excuses you say? Well... poo on you. Here is my drawing for the Flight project. The owl will be snowy white, and it will be dusk, so there will be lots of nice blues and purples to play with, and probably some yellow. I cropped into the drawing so that the focus would be more on the girl character.

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