Since Becca and Lis's project is complete, onto the next one! However, things are gonna be a bit slow around here for a while. Becca and Scott are both leaving Monday September 27th to work for the Metropolitan Museum in Egypt at their dig site (yes we should all be jealous). Becca will return by Halloween, but Scott won't return until just before Christmas.

In honor of this Egyptian adventure, our next project will be... "Egypt!"
This is a pretty limitless project. Becca and Lis can basically do whatever they want, children's book style, but they must incorporate some research into it, whether it be for accurate costume, architecture, style, landscape, anything that has to do with Egypt.
Due-date for thumbnails will be whenever (since Becca will be fairly busy, she'll get to them when she can).
The due-date for the drawing will be Friday, November 5th.
Due-date for final painting will be Friday, November 19th.
Meanwhile, Owen and Lis will continue to work on personal projects and may post updates here.
Woo! Egypt!!